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More students may be eligible for yellow busing in the new school year

Fri, 16 Jun, 2023

News item: More students may be eligible for yellow busing in the new school year

The province recently revised transportation eligibility for students in Alberta. As a result, some students may be eligible for busing in the 2023–24 school year who were not in previous years. 

Students attending their designated school may be eligible for transportation service if they are:

  • in Kindergarten to Grade 6 and live at least one kilometre away, or
  • in Grades 7 to 12 and live at least two kilometres away and Edmonton Transit (ETS) is not available. ETS is still the preferred transportation method for junior and senior high students.
    Edmonton Public Schools will begin implementing these changes in September 2023. 

Walk boundaries will be adjusted to follow this criteria. Transportation service areas for alternative programs will not change.


The bus application deadline has been extended until June 23 to accommodate as many students as possible for the first day of school on September 5. If you believe your child is eligible, complete the online application for yellow bus service. 


Find more information about transportation options and fees for the 2023–24 school year. 

If you have questions about your child’s eligibility, contact Student Transportation at 780-429-8585.