EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board of Trustees » About the Board » The Board Connection » November 2018

The Board Connection

Focus on the future

Nov. 29, 2018

Every four years our Board of Trustees takes a comprehensive look at the direction that Edmonton Public Schools is heading. Are we focused on the right things that will help our students succeed? Are we being innovative? Are we evidence-based? Are we student first?

After our Board was elected last fall, we embarked on a series of engagement opportunities with our students, our parents and families, our partners and our stakeholders. We wanted to hear from you about whether the work we’re doing in our schools is keeping us on the right track.

Overwhelmingly, we heard student success is what’s most important to everyone we asked, and that success looks different depending on the lens you have. Our students have increasingly complex needs and their paths to success may have many forks in the road.

You told us that students must always be at the forefront. And your Board of Trustees couldn’t agree more. As a result of your feedback, we launched a new vision statement for Edmonton Public Schools at the Nov. 27 board meeting: Success, one student at a time.

Our vision statement is a declaration to our community, our staff, our stakeholders and most importantly, our students, about how we will guide our work. Students have always been our priority. I am confident that our Edmonton Public Schools staff are helping students navigate the various paths that will lead them to a life of dignity and fulfilment after they leave our schools.

While our vision statement is how we guide our work, our strategic plan sets out priority areas. During our engagement sessions earlier this year, we heard that we’re on the right track. We have adjusted some areas to reinforce our student-centric theme. Our priorities are:

  • Student growth and success: Fostering growth and success for every student by supporting their journey from early learning through high school completion and beyond.
  • Learning and working environments: Providing welcoming, high quality learning and working environments.
  • Communication, engagement, and partnerships: Enhancing public education through communication, engagement and partnerships.

I want to thank everyone who provided us with feedback, insight and perspective as we looked into how we can support our students throughout their journey with Edmonton Public Schools. We look forward to working toward these goals with you over the next four years.