Nomination criteria, process and requirements
In order to submit a nomination, you must be logged in with a Google account (not necessarily an Edmonton Public Schools account).
Each nomination must be supported by three nominators.
What you need
Please have the following documents ready before starting the application as you must complete the process in a single session. All consent forms and support letters must be saved as PDFs.
- The signed Principal/DU Administrator consent form.
- Three signed written letters of support for each application (one from each nominator).
- For examples, see the past recipients sidebar on the Division Recognition page. Winner write-ups are based on support letters.
- Nominator(s) cannot be part of a nominated team.
- Completed nominee(s) FOIP consent form.
- All nominees must consent to being nominated and consent to use personal information related to Division Recognition (such as Division online channels, recognition program and potential event).
- You do not need to submit the FOIP consent forms, but you do need to save them at your school/DU.
- Photo of individual nominee or team members and any other supporting materials you feel are important (like a video or news story).
- Please be sure the photo is high resolution (at least 2 MB).
And, for Team nominations only:
A completed Excel or Google Sheet containing all team member information and indication of consent to use personal information related to Division Recognition.
Apply now
Nominations are now closed.
Forms and templates