EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » I - Partners in Education » IGD.AR Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis on and in Division Property and at Division Functions

Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis on and in Division Property and at Division Functions

  • Code: IGD.AR
    Topic: Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis on and in Division Property and at Division Functions
    Issue Date: 29/01/2020
    Effective Date: 29/01/2020
    Review Year: 2025


To establish direction for the Division regarding alcohol, tobacco and cannabis on and in Division property (this includes Division vehicles) and at Division functions.


Alcohol is the intoxicating agent in beverage alcohol, ethyl alcohol or ethanol.

Cannabis is a broad term used to describe the various products derived from the leaves, flowers and resins of Cannabis plants, synthetic cannabinoids, and/or medical cannabis. Cannabis can be consumed in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: smoking, vaporizing, eating or using water pipes.

Tobacco and tobacco products are composed in whole or in part of tobacco, including tobacco leaves and any extract of tobacco leaves. Tobacco can be consumed in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco.

Tobacco-like products are any products that mimic and are consumed in a manner similar to a tobacco product. Tobacco-like products can be consumed in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: smoking, using electronic cigarettes, vaporizing, or using water pipes or hookahs. For the purpose of this administrative regulation, tobacco-like products do not include regulated nicotine replacement therapy products.


The principal is responsible for communicating with and holding all stakeholders of the school community accountable to Division expectations regarding alcohol, tobacco, tobacco-like products and cannabis on and in Division property and at Division functions.

Central Administrators are responsible for communicating with and holding their staff and partners accountable to Division expectations regarding alcohol, tobacco, tobacco-like products and cannabis on and in Division property and at Division functions.

Central Administration overseeing property management is responsible for communicating with and holding external groups leasing or renting space from the Division accountable to Division expectations regarding alcohol, tobacco, tobacco-like products and cannabis on Division property.


Alberta has set the minimum age for the possession, purchase and consumption of cannabis at 18. This is in line with Alberta’s minimum age for the purchase and consumption of alcohol and tobacco products. The age of 18 also aligns with the federal government’s minimum age related to cannabis and tobacco.

Board Policy HG.BP Student Behaviour and Conduct (Section 2.f) states that the “possession, use or distribution of substances restricted by federal, provincial, municipal, Division or school authorities” is considered to be unacceptable behaviour. Alcohol, tobacco, tobacco-like products and cannabis are considered to be restricted substances for all students in Edmonton Public Schools.

Board Policy FA.BP Human Resources Framework establishes the expectation that the Division will “consider the impact on student and staff wellness and safety when making and implementing decisions”. This administrative regulation reflects this through articulating expectations related to alcohol, tobacco, tobacco-like products and cannabis in the learning and working environment of Edmonton Public Schools.

    1. ALCOHOL
      1. The possession and/or consumption of alcohol is prohibited at:
        a) Division facilities which are used for the accommodation of students, with the exception of the serving of communion wine by church rental groups; and
        b) all student functions held at a Division facility or sponsored by the Division.

      2. The Superintendent may authorize the serving of alcohol:
        a) at non-student functions sponsored by the Division; and
        b) in Division facilities.

      3. The serving of alcohol as per Section A.2 requires written approval from the Superintendent as well as the obtaining of a liquor license from Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis.

      4. Adult possession of sealed alcohol is permitted as part of a personal gift for an adult or as a donation to a Division-sponsored fundraiser. In these situations, alcohol should be handled in a discreet manner.

      1. The consumption of tobacco or tobacco-like products is prohibited on and in school property, in Division vehicles or at Division-sponsored events.

      2. Adult possession of tobacco and tobacco-like products should not be visible or interfere with the operations of the learning and working environment.

      3. Traditional use of tobacco for ceremonial purposes is permitted on Division property or at Division functions.

      1. The possession and/or consumption of cannabis is prohibited on and in Division property or at Division functions.

      2. Notwithstanding Section C.1 of this administrative regulation, the possession and/or consumption of cannabis may be permitted for medical accommodations only when prior approval has been obtained for students according to Administrative Regulation HHCD.AR Prescription and Non-Prescription Medication Management, and through Employee Health Services for staff. These medical accommodations shall be planned for students through Division Support Services, and accommodations for staff shall be planned through Human Resources. 


AE.BP Welcoming, Inclusive, Safe and Healthy Learning and Working Environments
DECA.AR Operation and Maintenance of Division Fleet Vehicles
EM.BP Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis on and in Division Property and at Division Functions
FA.BP Human Resources Framework
FBCB.AR Division Staff Code of Conduct
GICA.AR Field Trips
HG.BP Student Behaviour and Conduct
HG.AR Student Behaviour and Conduct
HHCD.AR Prescription and Non-Prescription Medication Management
IG.AR Community Use of Division Buildings
Alberta Gaming - AGLC
Alberta Cannabis Framework
An Act to Control and Regulate Cannabis
Cannabis Act
City of Edmonton Bylaw 14614
Edmonton Public Schools - Employee Health
Gaming, Liquor Cannabis Act
Education Act

(see Section 33(2))